Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog Post #5

The first of the resources I was provided that I listened to was the Eagle Nest Radio and Class Blog. I have to say, it was very impressive and exceptionally good. These students must have a very good teacher to guide them through this.
The Second one I watched was "The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom" I found this clip VERY informative, not how to make a podcast, but how they can be important in the future in the classroom. I found this very beneficial.
I also found the "Education Podcast" very informative as well and very helpful. It will be good in the future to have a plentiful resource place to help teachers.
I found all of these links useful to me and I'm sure they will be helpful to my group in creating our podcast, It was good, as far as I am concerned, to see some examples of podcasts because I was a little confused initially as to what we were supposed to be accomplishing. Thanks to these tips, I now have a good understanding.


  1. Bradley,
    I have to say when I listened to The Eagles' Nest Radio Podcast I expected a video, not just voices. Although, it was really cool to hear how much fun the kids were having.
    Another great website to visit is Curriki's blog. She even gives websites you can use when making your own podcast.

  2. Bradley,

    Can you give us more specific examples of the pros and cons of podcasting and how you would use them in the future as an educator?
